Get Inbox

The Get Inbox endpoint returns a list of all documents that are presently in the organisation’s inbox. Interacting with an organisation’s inbox normally also includes downloading the actual content of the documents and/or deleting the documents after they have been downloaded (not mandatory).

All endpoints tied to interacting with an organisation’s inbox use the same security mechanisms that the overall Digipost API uses. As with sending documents, the inbox endpoints also require a registered Digipost organisation account. The organisation can either send as a broker or on behalf of itself.






    <subject>Innkalling til årsmøte</subject>
    <sender>Posten Bring As</sender>
    <authentication-level>TWO FACTOR</authentication-level>
      <subject>Referat fra fjorårets årsmøte</subject>
      <sender>Posten Bring As</sender>
      <authentication-level>TWO FACTOR</authentication-level>

Additional Comments

  • The number of documents to be returned (only metadata) can be set by using the offset and limit request parameters. The order of the returned documents should not be used as IDs for the documents. Two consecutive requests with offset = 0 and limit = 100 may return a different list of documents. The client can use the actual document id to keep track of what has been accessed (or downloaded). The “first-access” element can be used to check if this is the first time a document has been accessed.
  • The authentication-level element defines what level was used when the document was originally sent to the organisation. Digipost will require the defined authentication level if the document is accessed at, however it is up to the system which is retrieving the documents which authentication level is to be used in that system.
  • The response includes URIs that can be requested to either download or delete the actual document (content).