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id_token from ID-porten

his page documents the id_tokens issued by ID-porten ID-porten OIDC Provider

The id_token

The id_token is the assertion of the authenticated user identity. It tells you “who the user is”, but not “what the user can access”.

The id_token is meant to be consumed and validated by the client in order to build a local session at the client. It is not intended to be passed around to enable API access towards other parties/systems.

Please see Auth0’s guide to id and access tokens to learn more of the difference between these tokens.

Structure of an id_token

To request an id_token, use the /token endpoint.

The id_token is a JWT structure, as documented in OIDC Core, 3.1.6. The client MUST validate the id_token according to OIDC Core, 3.1.7.

In addition, the client MUST validate that the security level (acr) is sufficiently high for the given service.


  "kid" : "mqT5A3LOSIHbpKrscb3EHGrr-WIFRfLdaqZ_5J9GR9s",
  "alg" : "RS256"
  "sub" : "-v-lcae5rGG-jlvzuv9Y9H7R8NmAeM2-kh0qWb-vPIE=",
  "aud" : "test_rp_yt2",
  "acr" : "Level4",
  "auth_time" : 1497605218,
  "amr" : "BankID",
  "iss" : "https://oidc-yt2.difi.eon.no/idporten-oidc-provider/",
  "pid" : "20914695016",
  "exp" : 1497605382,
  "locale" : "nb",
  "iat" : 1497605262,
  "nonce" : "min_fine_nonce_verdi",
  "jti" : "Hgb3zwO9g0bjmSbCCtQCxMowsZEu00lCJ2Exg4Zhv3g="
OuFJaVWQvLY9... <signaturverdi> ...isvpDMfHM3mkI

id_token header claims

claim verdi
kid “Key identifier” - unique identifier for the key and certificate used by ID-porten. The public key and the certificate must be fetched from our .well-known endpoint.
alg “algorithm” - algorithm used for signing the token. Supported values are published on the .well-known endpoint.

id_token body claims

claim value
iss The identifier of ID-porten as can be verified on the .well-known endpoint
aud “audience” - The client_id of the client receiving this id_token
sub “subject identifier” - an unique identifier for the authenticated user. The value is pairwise, meaning a given client will always get the same value, whilst different clients do not get equal values for the same user.
pid “Personidentifikator” - the Norwegian national ID number (fødselsnummer/d-nummer) of the autenticated end user. Note that some eID providers (ie: foreign users) in ID-porten may not supply a pid.
acr “Authentication Context Class Reference” - The security level of assurance for the authentication. Possible values documented below. The level MUST be validated by the client.
amr “Authentication Method References” - Method of authentication. Possible values can be seen below. The available values may change over time, so the client should not validate this value.
auth_time Timestamp indicating when the authentication was performed.
iat Timestamp when this token was issued. If different from auth_time, this indicates a federated/sso login.
exp Expire - Timestamp when this token should not be trusted any more.
jti jwt id - unique identifer for a given token
locale The language selected by the user during the authentication in ID-porten
sid session id - an unique identifier for end user session at ID-porten. Clients should store the value to be able to handle frontchannel logout notifications. Note that sid will only be included if the client is registered with frontchannel_logout_session_required.

AMR values

Authentication method can have the following values:

amr value Description
Minid-PIN MinID using PIN-codes from letter
Minid-OTC MinID using one-time-code received via SMS
Minid-APP MinID using notification in the MinID-app on android/iOS
BankID BankID using code generator or app
BankID Mobil BankID on mobile
Buypass Buypass
Commfides  Commfides using smartcard
eIDAS  A European approved eID through the eIDAS network
TestID An eID for testing purposes. NOT USED IN PRODUCTION.

ACR values

The security level of assurance can have the following values:

amr value Description
idporten-loa-low A “low” level of assurance according to Norwegian legal framework (“selvdeklarasjonsforskriften”).
idporten-loa-substantial A “substantial” level of assurance according to Norwegian legal framework (“selvdeklarasjonsforskriften”).
idporten-loa-high A “high” level of assurance according to Norwegian legal framework (“selvdeklarasjonsforskriften”).

These values was changed i 2023 to comply with the updated Norwegian legal framework introduced in 2018, see Veileder for identifikasjon og sporbarhet i elektronisk kommunikasjon med og i offentlig sektor.

The actual values are inspired from the IANA registry of Level-of-assurance profiles, ie. comprised of <legal framework>-<loa level>.

If more eIDs and LoAs should be added in the future, ID-porten will strive to use the same level postfix for eIDs we consider having the more-or-less the same level even if the legal frameworks are different. As an example: most public agencies will consider an eIDAS-notified eID on eidas-loa-high legally comparable to a Norwegian idporten-loa-high, and can thus in their validation logic only validate on the -high postfix.