Hjem > ELMA
ICD 0192
All Peppol addresses in Elma under the ICD 9908 will be deleted from Elma by thursday 14. december 2024.
This step concludes the migration of Norwegian Peppol addresses from ICD 9908 to ICD 0192.
The migration started ~5 years ago when Elma first published information on the migration strategy on behalf of the Norwegian Peppol Authority.
New profiles were made available only under ICD 0192.
ICD 9908 was officially marked as deprecated in v8.3 of the Peppol code lists, released 19. january 2023. Shortly after, in v8.4, it was marked for removal at 24. may 2023.
Any questions may be directed to:
- Your Peppol service provider (for end users)
- The Norwegian Peppol Authority at peppolmyndighet@dfo.no (for Peppol service providers)