You are viewing the documentation for Digipost API Client 8.0, which is not the most recently released version. The newest version is 16.x and can be browsed here.
This version is deprecated. As of dec 2023 we will only support v16 and higher since we now only support Java >= 11 with jakarta.xml-bind.

Send messages

The Java client library also includes relevant tests that include similar examples to below.

Instantiate and configure the client

long senderId = 123456;

DigipostClient client = new DigipostClient(
        new DigipostClientConfig.DigipostClientConfigBuilder().build(),
        new FileInputStream("certificate.p12"), "TheSecretPassword");

Send one letter to recipient via personal identification number

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage("messageId", primaryDocument)

        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("content.pdf"))

Send one letter to recipient via name and address

NameAndAddress nameAndAddress = new NameAndAddress("Ola Nordmann", "Gateveien 1", "Oppgang B", "0001", "Oslo");

Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID2, primaryDocument)

        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("content.pdf"))

Send one letter with multiple attachments

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF);

Document attachment1 = new Document(UUID2, "Attachment1 subject", FileType.PDF);

Document attachment2 = new Document(UUID3, "Attachment2 subject", FileType.PDF);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID4, primaryDocument)
        .attachments(Arrays.asList(attachment1, attachment2))

        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("main_document_content.pdf"))
        .addContent(attachment1, new FileInputStream("attachment1_content.pdf"))
        .addContent(attachment2, new FileInputStream("attachment2_content.pdf"))

Send invoice

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

// An invoice requires four extra fields (KID, amount, account and due date). The use of the Invoice class will trigger payment functionality i Digipost.
Invoice invoice = new Invoice(UUID1, "Invoice subject", FileType.PDF, null, null, null, AuthenticationLevel.PASSWORD, SensitivityLevel.NORMAL, "704279604", new BigDecimal("1.20"), "82760100435", LocalDate.of(2015, 5, 5));

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID2, invoice)

        .addContent(invoice, new FileInputStream("invoice.pdf"))

Send letter with SMS notification

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

// The time the SMS is sent out can be based on time after letter is delivered or a specific date. This example specifies that the SMS should be sent out one day after the letter i delivered.
Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF, null, new SmsNotification(1), null, AuthenticationLevel.PASSWORD, SensitivityLevel.NORMAL);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID2, primaryDocument)

        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("content.pdf"))

Send letter with fallback to print

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF);

PrintDetails printDetails = new PrintDetails(
        new PrintRecipient("Ola Nordmann", new NorwegianAddress("Prinsensveien 123", "0460", "Oslo")),
        new PrintRecipient("Norgesbedriften", new NorwegianAddress("Akers Àle 2", "0400", "Oslo")), PrintDetails.PostType.B, PrintDetails.PrintColors.MONOCHROME, PrintDetails.NondeliverableHandling.RETURN_TO_SENDER);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID2, primaryDocument)
        .recipient(new MessageRecipient(pin, printDetails))

// addContent can also take a third parameter which is the file/ipnput stream that will be used only for physical mail. The below example uses the same file/input stream in both channels (digital and physical mail)
MessageDelivery result = client.createMessage(message)
        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("content.pdf"))

Send letter with higher security level

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

// TWO_FACTOR - require BankID or BuyPass authentication to open letter
// SENSITIVE - Sender information and subject will be hidden until Digipost user is logged in at the appropriate authentication level
Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF, null, null, null, AuthenticationLevel.TWO_FACTOR, SensitivityLevel.SENSITIVE);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID2, primaryDocument)

        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("content.pdf"))

Identify user based on personal identification number

InputStream sertifikatInputStream = new FileInputStream("certificate.p12");

DigipostClient client = new DigipostClient(newBuilder().build(), ApiFlavor.ATOMIC_REST, "", SENDER_ID, sertifikatInputStream, CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD);

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

Identification identification = new Identification(pin);

IdentificationResult identificationResult = client.identifyRecipient(identification);

Send letter through Norsk Helsenett

The Digipost API is accessible from both internet and Norsk Helsenett (NHN). Both entry points use the same API, the only difference is the base URL.

InputStream sertifikatInputStream = new FileInputStream("certificate.p12");

// API URL is different when request is sent from NHN
DigipostClient client = new DigipostClient(newBuilder().build(), ApiFlavor.ATOMIC_REST, "", SENDER_ID, sertifikatInputStream, CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD);

PersonalIdentificationNumber pin = new PersonalIdentificationNumber("26079833787");

Document primaryDocument = new Document(UUID1, "Document subject", FileType.PDF);

Message message = Message.MessageBuilder.newMessage(UUID2, primaryDocument)

        .addContent(primaryDocument, new FileInputStream("content.pdf"))

Receive messages

The inbox API makes it possible for an organisation to manage messages received in Digipost.

Instantiate and configure the client

long senderId = 123456;

DigipostClient client = new DigipostClient(
        new DigipostClientConfig.DigipostClientConfigBuilder().build(),
        new FileInputStream("certificate.p12"), "TheSecretPassword");

Get documents in inbox

The inbox call outputs a list of documents ordered by delivery time. Offset is the start index of the list, and limit is the max number of documents to be returned. The offset and limit is therefore not in any way connected to

The values offset and limit is meant for pagination so that one can fetch 100 and then the next 100.

 //get first 100 documents
final Inbox first100 = client.getInbox(new SenderId(123456), 0, 100);

//get next 100 documents
final Inbox next100 = client.getInbox(new SenderId(123456), 100, 100);

We have now fetched the 200 newest inbox documents. As long as no new documents are received, the two API-calls shown above will always return the same result. If we now receive a new document, this will change. The first 100 will now contain 1 new document and 99 documents we have seen before. This means that as soon as you stumble upon a document you have seen before you can stop processing, given that all the following older ones have been processed.

Download document content

final Inbox inbox = client.getInbox(new SenderId(123456));

final InboxDocument documentMetadata = inbox.documents.get(0);

System.out.println("Content type is: " + documentMetadata.getContentType());
final InputStream documentContent = client.getInboxDocumentContent(documentMetadata);

Delete document

final Inbox inbox = client.getInbox(new SenderId(123456));

final InboxDocument documentMetadata = inbox.documents.get(0);


Download attachment content

final Inbox inbox = client.getInbox(new SenderId(123456));

final InboxDocument documentMetadata = inbox.documents.get(0);
final InboxDocument attachment = documentMetadata.getAttachments().get(0);

System.out.println("Content type is: " + attachment.getContentType());
final InputStream attachmentContent = client.getInboxDocumentContent(attachment);